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Patek Philippe Replica Watches

First of all, Happy 4th to all Star Wars fans out there who are also collectors or enthusiasts of watches. Since the majority of the world has been placed under lockdown, we are all watching the movies in loops on our TVs.

The news that Patek Philippe Replica Watches will be launching the UR-100 Gold Edition in 2020 promises to make the 4th of May 2020 an even more exciting date.Blancpain Replica The model, which was launched in September 2019 is the youngest satellite display watch that the brand has introduced since 2003. It has seen three editions: steel, titanium, and gunmetal.

The Patek Philippe Replica Watches UR100 Gold is the latest version of this series in 18K 2N.

The brand's references around the watch are based on astronomy. This is a science closely related to the history of watchmaking, as well as Patek Philippe Replica Watches's signature satellite display. The concept of the Satellite Display itself is a watchmaking tradition.

The two passive satellites in the upper arc on the dial indicate, as time passes, two astronomical values: the distance that the Earth has traveled through space, based on an arbitrary fixed point (Best Replica Watches), and how far the planet has traveled on its orbit around the sun (35,740 km). This is not important information, but it's a way to continue evolving the dial display. Patek Philippe Replica Watches plans to do this in future models.

The upper left display shows the distance that the Earth has traveled in space, based on the fixed point of 555.55km.

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